Monday, December 31, 2007

dos mil ocho.

Basically, I liked 2007.
And I wouldn't mind if it stayed a bit longer.
Not that wanting it to stay will make it stay, because duh, 365 days are up.
But I guess I'll kind of miss it.
But whatever, you know?
2008 is just a number, and it's still going to be the same.
Not the SAME same, because we'll have to write 2008 at the top of our papers instead of 2007, but essentially nothing changes.

I was thinking today of all the funny things that happened this year, and it was totally by accident. Purely coincidence that it's December 31st.

I remembered the prank calls our school bus made to the window tinting company on the ride back from Great America.
"Yes, I have a Kawasaki motercycle..."
"I'm the owner of a private jet..."
"Can I tint my house?"
"I'd like to tint YOUR car, hot stuff."

Then there were all the La Honda jokes. Too many to name, but they included SPARTA, guitar dots, chest hair, and Josh The Pimp. His mental disability was just a clever ruse to let him kiss and hug all the girls. (They pitied him, so he basically got the most action in camp.)

And thanks, CGB. Thanks to skit night, all of the maple cabin knows ever word to the mcdonalds big mac rap. Blue Maple Oak (Blue Oak and Maple: brother/sister cabins) is also now the expert cabin(s) on all five music genres and the unforgivable vidoes.

Oh yeah, 2007 is when I got diagnosed with stupid colitis. Whatever, Asacol helps and it doesn't affect me at all anymore.

Last year in Disneyland. Man that was fun. Our performance was good, but holy hand cream, did that choir suck. Alan and Annie and I were cursed, too. Whenever Alan was in line with us, the couple in front of us would be making out. When it was just Annie and I, they were behind us. Oh the horrors!
"May I please have some blanket?"
"Go blueeeee! BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE! Blue crew whooo!"
"Alan brought porn..."

MUN. Oh jeez. Such dramas. But at least we had fun. There was Royce. There was Austin. There was Jesse (Yess-Uh). There was Trevor. And of, course, there was Ryan. Well, there were two Ryans. Haha.
"For Russias information, we don't normally kill our babies anymore..."
"Nigeria for president!"
"China, where you at?!" (Okay fine, that was 2006 but I feel I had to include it.)
"Look at all the boys! They're in Durags!"
"Ring my bell, vote for Giselle."
"Does anyone have a shaver?"

So yeah. That was 2007.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Day lost.

So I didn't post yesterday because I figured that once you have a dream about blogging, it's time to take a day off.
Unfortunately, I did some cool stuff yesterday, and I didn't record it, so I'm doing so now.
What a pain, I have to record two days worth of bloggieness.

Alright, so the first thing to say is that I wore makeup for the first time in a while yesterday. I went bright and out there for the occasion, which was seeing Jordan. I spent the day with Jordan, and thank goodness, because I missed her soo much. We went to the mall and I escorted her to Torid (Torrid?) where she blew like $220 bucks worth of gift cards. My mom gave me $60 and she said I couldn't buy any makeup unless I bought clothes too. Yeah, even though I don't wear makeup much anymore, I still have a dream of one day having a big fat collection, so I buy makeup whenever I can. And not the cheap-o stuff, the good stuff. Well, I popped into Forever 21 and bought cheap underwear, because I figured it still counted as clothes, and I'd have lots leftover moolah for my MAC fix. I bought a thong. A THONG. I'm probably not going to wear it. It's so, you know, up your butt-ish. Blech. So after that, we went to the MAC counter and, yay, I bought a brush. No actual makeup, but I was in need of a necent crease brush. My current one just didn't cut it. so after that, we decided to see Juno. And what a good decision. All I can say is that it was a really incredible movie. I wish I was Bleaker, because that would mean I did Juno. :D

Today I went to SFMOMA with my dad. The first step off the elevator was into this bright orange lit room. I then developed a headache that still hasn't gone away. We had lunch at the foodcourt in the mall. Thai food. yum. Which reminds me that I still have to work on my Geography project. San Fran was cold and wet and this kid peed on the floor of the BART on the way back, but all in all it was a decent day.

In other news, I decided I'm not going to shave my legs until break is over or I have to wear a dress because it's a real pain in the butt and my legs don't really get that hairy anyways. I also decided that i'm going to develop my characters more by writing a list of random traits and then just tossing them to whatever character wants it. Tomorrow is a Noah free day because he's in Oskland with our grandparents. We pick him up Monday and the next day is 2008.

I've also decided that my story is going to end up being a story. A zine is out of the question, but I'm going to write a daily comic so I can work on my sense of humor. I intend on being actually funny someday.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Sooo I updated my deviantart again.
Three new scraps and a deviantion.
I don't think I want to do the whole zine thing?
Well, I don't know what I want.
I have to think.
Comic seems fun though.

Today I put up the new years tree.
it looks purdy.
There's a new picture on my myspace of me putting tinsel on it.

yeah thats pretty much it.
not much do report.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I'm considering making my story a zine or a monthly comic book instead of an actual book.
It'd be like 16 pages each month. And I'd get to draw the characters. yay!
That way not so much is expected out of it.
And I do like to doodle.
And zines are way easier to publish, seriously.
Go down to Kinkos and make a few copies.
So yeah, thats my idea.
I have to ponder it.

six days until new years.
seven days until winter percussion
eight days until defrank.
twenty three days until my birthday?

In other news, I added a dictionary to the side bar. I think it's kind of nifty, because I'm always looking up words, and theres a dictionary right there.
Suck because it navigates you away from my blog, but whatever.
Oh, and the ads we could do without.
oh well, focus on the bright side!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


no joke. I'm completely devastated right now.
Last night I wrote like 15 more paragraphs of my story and I check back now to do a bit of editing and the new bits are GONE. Shit. shitshitshit. I couldn't have possibly forgotten to save it. I'm so miserable right now. I can't believe it's gone. I feel like someone stole part of my soul. And the worst part is it's got to be my fault. I mean, I guess I really didn't save it. Now I have to rewrite the whole thing. That isn't the part that upsets me though. It's just that the new part I'm writing is just synthesis or something. It's not the real thing. It'll look like it, but it's just not.

and to top it off, I'm stuck in the house all day.
Merry christmas.

Update: I'm over it, I guess. I rewrote it and it's fine. Still not the same. but whatever.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Candy corn.

So, it's Christmas Eve. Day.
To be honest, I think christmas eve is way better than christmas eve, only becuase all the stores and fun things are open.
But hey, my opinion hardly matters, seeing as I'm a jew and I don't even do christmas.

Yesterday I found out that Powells in downtown Los Gatos sells candy corn all year round. This extremely excited me, because just on friday I was telling Kate from my Spanish class how I wished you could get candy corn all year round.

Alright, so I've gone three days without a sports bra. It's absolutely torturous. They're all pokey-outy and just no fun. Who would have thought it'd take so long for a darn bra to go through the laundry?

What's everyone doing today? I'm taking my brother to San Jose Skate while my mom takes my other brother on the lightrail, which is a basically a codeword for I sit around doodling or reading while he falls on his butt in the rink. I'm getting paid. Yay. :] Not a bad christmas present, if you ask me.

In other news, my cat has been spending all her time in my room the past few days, when she's not eating or using the little kitties box. The company is very welcome. I don't even mind when she attacks my face at 3 am. Much.

I've noticed that most of my blogs include the words "in other news". How cute. A little unnoticed perk of mine.

P.S. my book is going well. I still have only a few paragraphs, but the story has been evolving in my head. Merry christmas eve.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

writing cont.

So I figured I'd tell you more about my story that I couldn't sleep if it was still into me.
It's about an incredibly horny lesbian who falls in love with a redheaded oboe player. I think I'm going to have the redhead die, because I have no other plotline.
Ask to read it, and I might send it to you.
I have about 7 or so paragraphs with lots of DIALOGUE! Internal and external. Yes, I am good at it. If I do say so myself.

In other news, today was the most boring Saturday of the year. You know why? I didn't have marching band. I didn't have winter percussion. I didn't hang out with anyone. I did NOTHING.
not fun, not fun.
Oh well, tomorrow will be better.
I get to see Stephanie.
=] <3

Friday, December 21, 2007


Last night I realized how much I enjoy writing:

See, I went to bed early so I could get more sleep. Early being about 9:30. I had just finished a book that is now in my top three favorites, "Hello Groin". Thoughts were swimming around in my head as I tried to fall asleep and the soft croons of Mirah tumbled out of my stereo. Suddenly, it stopped. The 17 track CD had ended. And suddenly, there was no distraction. Out of the blue, a story appeared, but it felt as if it had been there my whole life. It haunted me for two and a half hours. All I could think about was this story. There was no escaping it. At 11:45, I finally realized that I had to write it down. I spent twenty minutes writing the perfect paragraph of the story in my head, just to get it out there. As soon as I set down the pen and turned off the light, I felt so much better. I wss truly happy. That's when I realized that it was all because I wrote one simple paragraph. Could this possibly be the career path for me? I mean, now it all made sense. The reason that my past three new years resolutions were to write a book was becuase I enjoy writing. I intend to finish my story that I started last night and I intend to make somethnig out of it.

In other new, my quote of the day!
Not that I have a quote EVERY day, but this one was pretty great.
"She's smart enough to know she's stupid!"
-My brother, on my accusing my cat of being stupid

Today in band Erika chopped a ten pound chocolate slab in half with her tae kwon do skillz. I caught it on video. Today in Spanish Josh and Everett sang a song by journey. I caught it on video. Today I realized that the most interesting thing about my phone would have to be my video album. I have about 35 hillarious videos on it and maybe 6 serious-ish ones.

This proves that I'm meant to be in Hollywood! Writing skillz plus video capturing skills = Director/Screenwright skillz

Considering ending the myspace-less week tonight.
After about 27 seconds of deliberation...
Yes, I'm doing it.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

New tactic

Speed blogging!

So yesterday I didn't blog. I had no time to go online and it was killing me not to write, but now that I can I don't have much to say.
The myspaceless week is going well, not temptations either.
I have my very own copy of Parrotfish now. It arrived sometime today but I didn't open the package until about 3. I'm almost done with it.
I didn't go to GSA today.
I have hebrew high tonight. whooo.
And I don't like speed blogging. at all.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


This morning I found a notebook from my fifth grade class. When I was in fifth grade, we had to write for 20 minutes every day, whcih was actually pretty fun, and that was the notebook I had to show for it. I really had quite an immagination. I'm not going to write down word for word, but this is basically what was in there:

-Fourteen Jidekies: The story about a princess whos life was so miserable that she wanted to turn into a frog. She makes an agreement with a frog that if she brings him 14 magical human-type creatures called jidekies, he would turn her into a frog. She went on a journey and found 14 jidekies and braved many obsticles and finally gathered together 14 Jidekies; Deric, Cod, Louise, Cheese, Gwen, Mauve, Marissa, Sharina, Sheen, Juliet, Alex, Max, Ayden, and Sarah. Once she had all the Jidekies, she went back to the frog only to realize that what she really wanted was just to have friends, and she asked to be turned into a Jideki instead. In the sequel (only two chapters), the princess becomes engaged to Ayden and Max's older brother, Pete.

-The Legacy of Edna and Ethel: The story of how Edna and Ethel came to be, and their adventures of tea parties, breakfasting on fresh whipped cream, and braving their archnemesis, the Mighty Hair Gel. Incorperates all codewords in a discreet manner, making for a HILARIOUS story for those who know said codewords.

-Lists: Including, but not limited to lists about how things would be in an alternate universe, the top five people I hated (in order), things to do to annoy a substitute, the weirdest attributes about our class, etc.

-Eggs in five different languages: A sort of poemish thing describing how much I like eggs, in 5 different languges; Hebrew, russian, Spanish, French, and Italian.

-The Monster In Da Hood: A story about a monster who won't go away without a life supply of marshmallows. His best friend only eats spinach.

-The Mystery Letter: A story about a girl and her friend who find a love letter from fifty years ago. It describes hidden booty in a house on Dell Street, so the girl and her friend go to the house on Dell Street t o find the treasure, only to find that the BOOTY was actually a living dead BODY, who captures the girls and they are stuck to live in the hidden cavern in the house on Dell Street for all eternity.

-Various Poems: "The Talking Baseball", "Eggs Vs. Cheese", "Bobs Saga", "Ode to Randy", etc.

-Bobs Journal: The journal of a troubled 8th grader strugging with controlling parents, a long time crush, and smelly science partners. Bob is very feminiine and gets made fun of a lot.

-Lyrics: Some I wrote, some from artists I liked. Tsunami Bomb, New Found Glory, and Michelle Branch were some lyrics found. I can't wuite remember the lyrics I wrote, but I'm sure they were dumb.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Awkwardly Unproportionate.

Tonight I decided to re-take my vital measurements.
Then, I looked up what actual size number I'd be.
Then, I realized why clothes don't fit.
See, I'm a perfect size 8 in everything except my waist, where I'm like a size 12.
I'm so misshapen!
I think I need to wear a corset or something, because there's no way I'm going to lose 7 inches on my waist without losing seven inches everywhere else, still making me misshapen.
Normally, I wouldn't care, but this is the sort of thing that will really bug me.

In other news, only 5 more school days left, but its an A week which means I have Biology 4th period on Friday before the break starts. The good news, though, is that I hear a certain one of my teachers is out of town all week, so one less thing to add to my stress list. Senior Cruz, however, is another story, continued in the next paragraph. My sister comes home on Sunday and I get to go to my dads house tomorrow, which means that after a week of ALL this new fabric tormenting me, I can FINALLY have sewing machine access and make something! I think I'll embroider some animal onto my plain yellow shirt. And then I'm going to make something warm to wear. I'm very excited.

So yesterday (Thursday the 13 of December) third period Spanish went like this: A few minutes before class even started, Jamie and Jaime got kicked out of the classroom to "calm down." Karlee turns to talk to me (I sit next to her)n and says she isn't in the mood to be in class so she's just going to try to get kicked out. She babbles on about how she plans on doing that, and by then class had officially started. I simply said "Haha, you totally should dude." when Senior Cruz glares at me and sends me outside. I stare in disbelief, and Karlee protests and softly says "I'm the one who's supposed to get sent out..." I glanced at the clock. It was 12:32. Two minutes into the class and I'm already sent outside, first time ever. I spend time outside with Jamie and Jaime until we get called back in about ten minutes after. As soon as we come back in, Thomas gets sent outside. I sit in my seat and try to work, but Karlee tells me to turn around and look at the face Audri was making. I did, and it was the most demented face I'd ever seen. I laughed. Senior Cruz sent me outside again. I had only come back inside five minutes earlier. Thomas and I stand there for awhile, I watch in angst as Thomas throws rocks at seagulls as they fly above our heads. Karlee is soon outside with us. Ten more minutes later we go back inside. Thomas claims to have left his book at home, so he insisted that he go to the office. Karlee got sent to the office as well, but she just went home. I texted my dad to call the school and tell them that my spanish teacher is a deranged maniac.

TGIF, right?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

sentimental values.

Basically, I'm just feeling lovey.
So here we go.


Dan Russie: He's a great leader and knows when to be stern and he knows when to joke, but mostly I like that he loves his family and he has cute away messages for AIM.

Katie Hawn: I like how chill she is. And I love how sweet and understanding and supportive she is about everything. She's my big buddy and always will be.

Doug(las) Hawthorn: He's fun to make fun of, but he's cool because he drives us places. <3

Danny Michaelsen: I like that Danny is a great drummer and how everything he says is dripping with laughing gas. He lies a lot, but it's okay because mostly his lies are funny.

Connor Greene: Connor's changed so much since 8th grade, but he's changed for the better. He's a lot of fun and being in a section with Danny really has rubbed off onto him.

Arielle Hamilton: I love that Arielle knows when it's time to lead and time to joke, like Dan. She may have been stern on us, but she took us and made us actually good. and that's awesome!

Keon Vafai: He's also fun to make fun of, but he doesn't drive us anywhere. He never knows when to shut up but he's not a bad drummer, and he has a drive, so that's cool.

Jimmy Woodberry: Jimmy is the most determined out of all of us, I think. He works hard at his shit and it mostly pays off. He's got a dirty mind so we get along.

Me: I think I'm the bomb. Honestly. And I think (/know?) that when I'm a senior I'll be drum captain so I have to prepare myself for that. I'm getting better.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sampling Brian:


... eek-invoking, exasperating, embroiling, evil, extreme: Embarrassment.

I love growing up.

How come you realize how stupid you were years after the matter? California memories. Humphf.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

December 11th.

Today was a bad day for two reasons:
1) No GSA today (which wasn't TOO bad, really...)
2) I took a morning shower.
Because it was a bad day, I thought a LOT.
I have a list, a new favorite word, and a question.
the post commences:

My list of things I don't like and actually intend to do something about
Everyone has things and problems they just don't like dealing with, but never do anything about it. Well, I now have a list of the things I don't like AND solutions.
-Bananas - I promise never to eat a banana unless it's in smoothie form, combined with strawberries at orange julius.
-(Weekday) Morning Showers - I promise to never take a morning shower on a weekday unless I have at least an half hour extra in which to shower and dry.
-Myspace - I promise, starting December 12th, not to go on myspace for one FULL week, which actually is tougher than it sounds. Means of communication will be blogspot, facebook, email, or telephone.
-Pants - I can't do much about how much I hate pants, as it's getting cold out and skirts look bad on me anyways. I just promise that I hate pants.

My new favorite word that I discovered in Biology today:

Today, in Biology, I started doing my crossword that was homework when I noticed a funny word that was already filled in: DIPLOID. "Diploid," I said partly to myself, and partly to Annie. "Why, what a curious word." Annie pointed out that it sounded like an insult. And it does. Well, I looked at the definition, and imagine my surprise when I see that the definition is "Two sets of chromosomes (2N): Sperm and egg cells combine to form this number of chromosomes." Well, that didn't tell us much, but there you have it. My definition of diploid: A failure at Biology who has both sperm and egg cells.

A question:
As I was sitting in Spanish today, doing nothing because I had already finished exercises 9-13, I wondered...when astronauts go up into space, do their ears pop? I eagerly await an answer. i assume they do, but once you're out of the atmosphere...?

and in other news, I realized why it was so cold in my room these past few days....behind the curtain, my window was open!
I also found that two of the words I misspell most commonly are discover and exercise, and I used both words in this post so that I could practice spelling them.


Monday, December 10, 2007


Well, i was inspired to write a good meaningful song today, but dammit, I ran out of time because I had to go to winter percussion, where bass line decided to suck all night.
so instead of playing guitar and being productive, I was in a closet playing a "tequila" split on the basses. I kid you not. Now which seems like more of a waste of time?
Don't get me wrong, I love bass line and everyone on it (even stupid Keon), but it'd be so much cooler if we PRACTICED.
In other winter percussion news, stupid Keon and I now share a cell phone locker and Kiki has a badass nickname.
In other non-winter percussion news, I redyed my hair yesterday.
I'll get a picture up eventually, but let me just say that now, instead of a cherry red, its more of a natural brown red.
people seem to like it, but I don't really like it as much as the old color.
So next time I'm going back to garnier intense auburn instead of feria bright auburn.
Let's see, what else?
I'm in the process of drawing Brians christmas present.
I really can't decide if I want to color it or not, but I know I want to frame it.
So far it's looking decent.
I've been drawing a lot lately, and in my drawing, I've noticed that the new lead I bought for my favorite pencil does NOT erase very well.
so i'm going to have to buy bic lead now, because this new stuff just doesn't cut it.
Guitar > Sucky Bass Drums
Garnier > Feria
Bic > Pentel

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


So basically, these are
I was in a "snap a picture of everything" mood.
So here we go.
Thanks to Brian I have a name for my muscles.
P.S. blogspot is a stinkhead that chops off pictures so that they don't stretch the page. Thank goodness the pictures aren't too drasticly altered.
P.P.S. I have discovered that if you right click the pictures and then click "view image" or something, it shows the WHOLE picture, not just the chopped off bit. Yay!

Mt. Leah's Bicep #1

Mt. Leah's Bicep #2

My legs. They have no names because I don't like my leg muscles. They are manly.
edit: Brian decided that thy should be called "Natalie Portman's Boobs". Well, I do touch my legs a lot, so I guess it's a fitting name.

I found some of my bead collection. Yay! It's been lost for a while. That's a bright green box, by the way. <33



"Untitled and Unfinished"
(edited since this picture has been taken. Her proportions are SO out of whack...)

In other news, I am most improved battery member of the year.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Found cappo:

So I found my cappo in my room on the flor underneath my mess.
If you've been reading, or have seen my room, you'll know that I have a terribly messy room, almost unlivable.
Sometimes, my cat can't even walk across the room without stepping on something.
Well, I cleaned my room yesterday because my mother asked me to and found my cappo.
I was simply overjoyed.
and now I can walk through my room.
In other news, I've been doodling a lot lately.
Maybe I'll snap some pictures of my doodles and put them up sometime.
Finished and unfinished and studies and whatnot.
In MORE other news, I've gotten really really muscular.
Yay yay yay!
I'm going to snap pictures of my muscles as well.
They're getting so big, it might even be time to name them.
If anyone reads this besides my loyal readerpal Brian (<333) and even if you are brian, perhaps you could contribute a name or two for my moosklees.
hannukah is coming up, winter break is coming up, christmas is coming up, new years is coming up, my birthday is coming up.
Is anything coming down?