Sunday, May 4, 2008

goodnight moon.

I have so much to say but no way to say it.
a friend of mine was so fucking stupid last night, she nearly died.
It took me a while to decide if I'm glad she's alive or pissed at her for being DELIBERATELY stupid.
sometimes I regret not being corrupted, but it's times like now I'm glad I'm fucking sober.
I keep running the story through my head and knowing how different it would be if I was there just kills me.

1 comment:

itsasecret said...

goodnight moon.
=] i really like that title.
it's very you of you to use a title like that.
i remember this week.
you and torie were very pissed that week.
and you damn well better stay "effing sober."
or i'll kick your sorry drunkass ass.