Monday, November 12, 2007

All In Your Head

It appears that everything is all in your mind.
You think what you choose to, so why can't you feel, see, hear, and smell what you want to believe is there?
Tea, no matter how much caffeine is in it, will calm you if you believe it.
Sugar or caffeine free soda will get you hyped.
Virgin beverages can get you drunk.
The same thing can go for anything (that is, if you want it to).

Now let's see, what did we learn in Biology?
The color in plants is green because a plant absorbs all the colors in white light except green.
Since the plant isn't using the green, it reflects back up into your eyes.
Well, I'm no expert, and i haven't learned this yet, but I'm assuming that it works that way with non-plant things too, like cars or photographs.
let's say it does.
Can science prove that everyones green is the same?
Everyones eye is different, that's why they have retinal ID scanning.
What they scan is the iris, and I know that the iris has nothing to do with actually seeing, but perhaps there are smaller differences inside the eye.
Little things that may affect color.
Something that says that person As green is what color person B would see as purple, and person Bs green is person As orange.
There really is no way to test that.
You can't ask someone to describe a color.
The dictionary defines green as "the color of growing grass."
It doesn't say who's growing grass though.
Perhaps colors are relative.
That proves nothing.

When you start to believe the psychiatrist:
Maybe if you think you're happy, you are happy.
I started to wonder why that was.
Well, if you fill up your noggin believing that you're happy, there's no room for sad to get it.
If you were sad, thinking about happy pushes the sad right out.
In that sense, emotion is an aggressive thing.
Maybe when people say "be strong" they mean "engage your emotions".
And it isn't really just emotions either, it's thoughts as well.
In the preambulatory statement, I mention tea, soda and non-alcoholic drinks.
Taking tea a step further:
Tea is perceived to be a relaxing drink.
"British people drink tea. British people are perceived to be calm. Therefore, if I drink tea, I will be calm, like the British."
Sipping a mug of highly caffeinated chamomile, you start to feel yourself begin to relax.
It doesn't matter that it's got loads of caffeine.
you believe it will calm you and it does.
so when you think about it, your thoughts control everything you do and feel.
Such power you have over yourself, and such power you hold above your own head.


These are all actually just thoughts floating around in my head. All questions posed are genuine. If you have an answer to them, I really DO want to hear it. Thank you.

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