Friday, March 21, 2008

Sgt. Pepper.

I think that if I wrote a suicide note in this blog, nobody would read it. or care. Normally that wouldn't bug me, because I can write whatever I want, but now it's really starting to tick me off. The fact that nobody cares, I mean. Not the "nobody reads my blog" thing. And I'm not going to write a suicide note you guys. I'm only trying to make a point. This whole week people haven't been listening to what I say. Yesterday was really painful, actually. In the span of 20 minutes three people had either ignored me or couldn't hear me. It definitely upset me. and today a friend forgot about our plans, so now I'm stuck with my brothers all night. That's really not fun. My brothers hate each other, so they yell at each other, and then my mom yells at them, and I can never get any fucking quiet to do anything, like read or play guitar or work on my novel. I apologize to her for getting upset about being put in this situation. Is there something wrong with me? Yes. There certainly is.
Why do I let people ignore what I'm saying? Why do I let people screw up my plans? Why do I always give people the benefit of the doubt? Why has nothing changed? Ever?
I'm going to be honest, I'm a little bit misty-eyed right now.but why? I had the best night for a long time last night. I got to meet Vanessa Carlton again. She gave me a hug and signed a poster and she was nice to me. She didn't ignore what I say. I think the reason I'm upset is that even though a person I really admire cared (if only for a moment), some people in my life every day don't care.
Whatever. I don't want to dwell on this and I don't want to be perceived as a whiny teenage girl who's upset because she didn't get all the attention all fucking day. I really don't think i'm like that.

In other sucky news, my pictures from the vanessa carlton concert last night aren't on the mix 106.5 website, but the people who went right ahead of us had their pictures up.
This fucking blows.


Anonymous said...

I read you blog.
and i would care if you wrote a suicide note, i'm your friend, i love you.
~A friend.

itsasecret said...

*looks at you*
i think you know what i'm saying to you right now.