Tuesday, January 15, 2008

stress levels.

I attended a stress seminar tonight. mostly against my will, but it actually really helped.

The nine steps of dealing with stress:
1. Acknowledge that you're stressed.
2. Stop what you're doing.
3. Calm down.
4. Think about your goal. "What do I want to happen in this situation?"
5. Ask "can I make that happen?"
6. List options for reaching said goal
7. Analyze options. Choose best one.
8. Take action.
9. Congratulate yourself.

In other news, Andrews baking me verona cookies and getting me a light up necklace for my birthday thursday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's sound advice. I won't remember it. But, at least I can say I--through a friend--quasi-attended a stress seminar and am now more prepared.