Friday, December 21, 2007


Last night I realized how much I enjoy writing:

See, I went to bed early so I could get more sleep. Early being about 9:30. I had just finished a book that is now in my top three favorites, "Hello Groin". Thoughts were swimming around in my head as I tried to fall asleep and the soft croons of Mirah tumbled out of my stereo. Suddenly, it stopped. The 17 track CD had ended. And suddenly, there was no distraction. Out of the blue, a story appeared, but it felt as if it had been there my whole life. It haunted me for two and a half hours. All I could think about was this story. There was no escaping it. At 11:45, I finally realized that I had to write it down. I spent twenty minutes writing the perfect paragraph of the story in my head, just to get it out there. As soon as I set down the pen and turned off the light, I felt so much better. I wss truly happy. That's when I realized that it was all because I wrote one simple paragraph. Could this possibly be the career path for me? I mean, now it all made sense. The reason that my past three new years resolutions were to write a book was becuase I enjoy writing. I intend to finish my story that I started last night and I intend to make somethnig out of it.

In other new, my quote of the day!
Not that I have a quote EVERY day, but this one was pretty great.
"She's smart enough to know she's stupid!"
-My brother, on my accusing my cat of being stupid

Today in band Erika chopped a ten pound chocolate slab in half with her tae kwon do skillz. I caught it on video. Today in Spanish Josh and Everett sang a song by journey. I caught it on video. Today I realized that the most interesting thing about my phone would have to be my video album. I have about 35 hillarious videos on it and maybe 6 serious-ish ones.

This proves that I'm meant to be in Hollywood! Writing skillz plus video capturing skills = Director/Screenwright skillz

Considering ending the myspace-less week tonight.
After about 27 seconds of deliberation...
Yes, I'm doing it.


Unknown said...

Congrats on the writing. You should definitely check out It's kind of amazing.

Oh, and, I can't believe you're ending the myspace week tonight. You're so close to a legit 7 days! So close! Closer than Christmas... lol

Anonymous said...

You weighed the chocolate? That seems a waste of chocolate unless you ate it.

Leah said...

The box said ten pounds on it.