Monday, December 3, 2007

Found cappo:

So I found my cappo in my room on the flor underneath my mess.
If you've been reading, or have seen my room, you'll know that I have a terribly messy room, almost unlivable.
Sometimes, my cat can't even walk across the room without stepping on something.
Well, I cleaned my room yesterday because my mother asked me to and found my cappo.
I was simply overjoyed.
and now I can walk through my room.
In other news, I've been doodling a lot lately.
Maybe I'll snap some pictures of my doodles and put them up sometime.
Finished and unfinished and studies and whatnot.
In MORE other news, I've gotten really really muscular.
Yay yay yay!
I'm going to snap pictures of my muscles as well.
They're getting so big, it might even be time to name them.
If anyone reads this besides my loyal readerpal Brian (<333) and even if you are brian, perhaps you could contribute a name or two for my moosklees.
hannukah is coming up, winter break is coming up, christmas is coming up, new years is coming up, my birthday is coming up.
Is anything coming down?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yay for my loyal blogger-pal Leah. I think you should name your musclos after what they look like, as in "Mt. Leah's Bicep" haha

as for things coming down, only if it's with a cold