Monday, December 31, 2007

dos mil ocho.

Basically, I liked 2007.
And I wouldn't mind if it stayed a bit longer.
Not that wanting it to stay will make it stay, because duh, 365 days are up.
But I guess I'll kind of miss it.
But whatever, you know?
2008 is just a number, and it's still going to be the same.
Not the SAME same, because we'll have to write 2008 at the top of our papers instead of 2007, but essentially nothing changes.

I was thinking today of all the funny things that happened this year, and it was totally by accident. Purely coincidence that it's December 31st.

I remembered the prank calls our school bus made to the window tinting company on the ride back from Great America.
"Yes, I have a Kawasaki motercycle..."
"I'm the owner of a private jet..."
"Can I tint my house?"
"I'd like to tint YOUR car, hot stuff."

Then there were all the La Honda jokes. Too many to name, but they included SPARTA, guitar dots, chest hair, and Josh The Pimp. His mental disability was just a clever ruse to let him kiss and hug all the girls. (They pitied him, so he basically got the most action in camp.)

And thanks, CGB. Thanks to skit night, all of the maple cabin knows ever word to the mcdonalds big mac rap. Blue Maple Oak (Blue Oak and Maple: brother/sister cabins) is also now the expert cabin(s) on all five music genres and the unforgivable vidoes.

Oh yeah, 2007 is when I got diagnosed with stupid colitis. Whatever, Asacol helps and it doesn't affect me at all anymore.

Last year in Disneyland. Man that was fun. Our performance was good, but holy hand cream, did that choir suck. Alan and Annie and I were cursed, too. Whenever Alan was in line with us, the couple in front of us would be making out. When it was just Annie and I, they were behind us. Oh the horrors!
"May I please have some blanket?"
"Go blueeeee! BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE! Blue crew whooo!"
"Alan brought porn..."

MUN. Oh jeez. Such dramas. But at least we had fun. There was Royce. There was Austin. There was Jesse (Yess-Uh). There was Trevor. And of, course, there was Ryan. Well, there were two Ryans. Haha.
"For Russias information, we don't normally kill our babies anymore..."
"Nigeria for president!"
"China, where you at?!" (Okay fine, that was 2006 but I feel I had to include it.)
"Look at all the boys! They're in Durags!"
"Ring my bell, vote for Giselle."
"Does anyone have a shaver?"

So yeah. That was 2007.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha okay I don't have one of these things but I remember
Hahahahha I started cracking up